Market Pass: Who is eligible for Food Pass? | Neobook.gr
Who is eligible for Market Pass?
Beneficiaries of the aid are natural persons, single, married, cohabiting parties, separated, divorced, or widowed.
Which household member can apply for the Market Pass?
a. For married persons or persons who have entered into a cohabitation agreement, the competent person to apply is the person liable to submit the Personal Income Tax Declaration.
b. In case of submission of a separate declaration of spouses / cohabiting parties, one of the two, in which case the other is automatically excluded.
c. They are not entitled to apply:
c1. natural persons who were declared as dependents in the Personal Income Tax Return for the tax year 2021 by another person,
c2. natural persons who were declared as guests in the Personal Income Tax Return for the tax year 2021 by another person,
c3. natural persons subject to the Luxury Living Tax for the tax year 2021,
c4. foreign tax residents and
c5. natural persons who have not submitted a Personal Income Tax Return for the tax year 2021 until 31/12/2022.
Which persons are included in the financial support of a household from the Market Pass?
For the purpose of Market Pass, household members are spouses / common-law partners, their dependent children, their other dependents, and their guests according to their latest Personal Income Tax Return for the tax year 2021, such as submitted by 12/31/2022.
What income and other financial criteria must the Market Pass holder meet?
a. Income criteria
Natural persons are entitled to the aid, as long as their annual total family income during the tax year 2021, regardless of its source of origin, real and presumed, amounts to up to sixteen thousand (16,000) euros for an unmarried debtor or debtor in a widowed state or found within twenty-four thousand (24,000) euros for a married debtor or the married persons or the parties to the cohabitation agreement who submit a separate tax return or the married persons who submit a tax return based on paragraph b of paragraph 4 of article 67 of the Tax Code Income or natural persons who have entered into a cohabitation agreement and have submitted a joint tax return without children. This income is increased by five thousand (5,000) euros for each dependent child, other dependent member, and a guest member of the household. In the case of a single-parent family, this income is set at up to twenty-four thousand (24,000) euros and is increased by five thousand (5,000) euros for each dependent child, other dependent member, and visiting member after the first. The annual total family income does not include that which is cumulatively exempt from income tax. To determine the family status, the number of dependent children, other dependent members, and guest members, as well as the income criteria, the data of the Personal Income Tax Statement of the tax year 2021, as it has been prepared on December 31, 2022, are used.
b. Real estate criteria
The total value of the real estate, as it results from the Deed of Administrative Determination EN.F.I.A. of the year 2022, debtor, spouse or party to a cohabitation agreement, and dependents, according to the Income Tax Code, children, who are listed in the Personal Income Tax Declaration of the tax year 2021, must not exceed the amount of two hundred and fifty thousand (250,000) euros for the unmarried, widowed or estranged debtors and the amount of four hundred thousand (400,000) euros for married or cohabiting parties and single-parent families.
How much is the financial support through Market Pass?
The amount of assistance per household amounts to ten percent (10%) of the monthly amount of purchases,
which is set at two hundred and twenty (220) euros for the one-member household, increased by one hundred (100) euros for each additional member of the household with a maximum of one thousand (1,000) euros of purchases. In the event that the beneficiary chooses credit to a bank account, the aid amount paid amounts to eighty percent (80%) of the above amount.
Each additional dependent member or guest adds €100.00 to the estimated amount of household purchases, thus increasing the monthly subsidy by €10.00 if digital debit card issuance is chosen, or by €8.00 if bank deposit is chosen. In any case, the maximum estimated amount of purchases is set at €1,000.00, in which case the maximum monthly subsidy is set at €100.00, if the issue of a digital debit card is chosen, or at €80.00, if the bank deposit is chosen.
When are Market Pass applications due?
With a declarative decision of the Ministers of Finance, Development and Investments and Digital Governance, the start time and the end time of the production operation of the special application of par. 5 of article 115 of Law 5007/2022 will be determined.
Submission of applications ends on 3/15/2023.
How are Market Pass applications submitted?
A necessary condition for the beneficiary to receive the financial support is to submit an application to the application by 3/15/2023 by logging in using the credential codes of the General Secretariat of Public Administration Information Systems (taxisnet).
After entering the application, the applicant fills in and confirms his contact details, such as his mobile phone number and email address, selects the credit method (issuance of a digital debit card or deposit to a bank account) and the credit institution with whom he wishes to cooperate. In the case of depositing into a bank account, the applicant submits an active Bank account in IBAN format, in which he must be at least a co-beneficiary, and selects the credit institution where the account is maintained.
It is noted that the digital debit card can be used both in physical stores with a device that supports contactless transaction technology (via the NFC protocol), and in e-shops for making electronic transactions.
Of course, it is possible to apply for Market Pass through KEP.
Can I cancel/change my application?
It is possible to change the details of the application or to cancel it:
- for those applying within February 2023, by the end of February 28, 2023 and
- for those applying within March, by the end of March 15, 2023.
I can't log in to the app - my antivirus program is blocking me
Some antivirus programs prevent entry to the application due to false positives for the application in question, but also for other URLs (even banks, in the past).
In this case, you will need to add an exception for api.vouchers.gov.gr through the settings of your antivirus program.
We list here the process of adding exceptions for Avast Antivirus in English and Greek language in order to help users who are facing this problem.
Steps in English language:
1. Open Avast Antivirus and go to Menu on the top right of the window
2. Click Settings
3. Go to General > Exceptions
4. Click Add Exception
5. On the next screen enter the URL.api.vouchers.gov.gr. and click Add Exception
Steps in the Greek language:
1. We open Avast Antivirus and visit the Menu at the top right of the Avast window
2. Click on the settings
3. We select the general settings from the column on the left
4. In Exceptions, click Add Exception
5. On the next screen, write the URL.api.vouchers.gov.gr. and press Add Exception
With these steps the page will no longer be blocked by Avast.
The steps above are also included on the Avast page with images for each step: https://support.avast.com/en-us/article/Antivirus-scan-exclusions#pc
What are the possible statuses of my application and what do they mean?
- PROCESSING BY BENEFICIARY: The application has not been submitted definitively, as the applicant has not pressed the SUBMIT APPLICATION button at the bottom right of the screen.
- UNDER CHECK: The application has been submitted definitively and is in the process of verifying the information submitted.
- APPROVED (PAYMENT PROCESSING IN PROGRESS): The application is valid and is expected to be sent to the financial institution chosen by the beneficiary. More information at this stage is provided in the Pay Table.
- COMPLETED: The application has been approved and all required payments have been completed.
- REJECTED: The application has been rejected after the prescribed checks and until 3/15/2023 it is possible to amend and resubmit. For rejection, the beneficiary receives information via e-mail.
- PAYMENT REJECTED: The application is valid and sent for payment, but the credit could not be made by the financial institution chosen by the beneficiary. For rejection, the beneficiary receives information via e-mail. After 15/3/2023 until
NOT AVAILABLE: The beneficiary must contact the Public Service Telephone 2102156327 (Monday to Friday 09:00-17:00) or send an e-mail to marketpass@ktpae.gr.
What do the Pay Table status messages mean?
- TO BE SENT TO BANK INSTITUTION: This payment will be sent to the financial institution for processing on the estimated execution date.
- SENT - IN PROCESSING BY BANK INSTITUTION: This payment has been sent to the financial institution and may take up to ten (10) business days to process.
- COMPLETED: This payment has been completed successfully.
- REJECTED: This payment could not be made. For rejection, the beneficiary receives information via e-mail. After 15/3/2023 and until 2/5/2023 the beneficiary can modify information related to the payment method he chose (IBAN and/or financial institution), but he cannot undo his initial choice between digital debit card and bank deposit.
Which financial institutions are available to issue a digital debit card?
For the issuance of a digital debit card, it is not necessary for the beneficiary to be a customer of the above institutions.
ATTENTION: Project Market Pass digital debit cards automatically expire on 8/31/2023 and cannot be used for transactions after this date.
Which financial institution accounts can be declared for the deposit of the Market Pass grant?
- Greek national Bank S.A.
- Bank of Central Macedonia
- Deposit and Loan Fund
In order for the beneficiary to declare a Bank account, he must be a beneficiary or co-beneficiary in it (not necessarily the first beneficiary), know the IBAN format of the specific account and, above all, be sure that this account is active and will remain active throughout the Market Pass.
What can be done in case of rejection of the credit procedures of the accounts?
In case of rejection of the process of crediting the aid to the digital debit card or to his bank account, the applicant will be informed by e-mail and his application will be activated after the end of March 15, so that he can make the necessary corrections and resubmit the application until May 2nd, 2023. After the resubmission, the crediting process to the digital card or bank account is repeated, in the following month where the amounts of the previous months that were rejected are also credited.
It is not allowed to modify the initially selected method of payment of the aid.
At which businesses can the Market Pass digital debit card be used?
The amount of money credited to the Market Pass digital debit card can be used exclusively by the beneficiary to make the purchase of goods of any kind in stores or street markets active in the food retail trade, in particular in the codes:
The digital debit card can also be used for electronic transactions in e-shops of related businesses.
What is the expected timeline for issuing digital debit cards and crediting the Market Pass boost to them?
For those beneficiaries who apply for a Market Pass grant by issuing a digital debit card by February 28, 2023, the grant for the months of February and March 2023 is sent to the financial institution for credit to the digital debit card by March 3, 2023, when the card issuance process begins and sending instructions to beneficiaries.
For those beneficiaries who submit a Market Pass grant application by issuing a digital debit card between March 1 and March 15, 2023, the grant for the months of February and March 2023 is sent to the financial institution for credit to the digital debit card by March 20, 2023, when the process of issuing cards and sending instructions to beneficiaries begins.
For all beneficiaries who have applied for a Market Pass grant by issuing a digital debit card, the grant for the months of April, May, June and July 2023 is sent to the financial institution for credit to the digital debit card within the first three business days of each month, when it begins the process of crediting additional amounts to already issued cards.
It is a reminder that the digital debit cards of the Market Pass Project expire automatically on 31/8/2023 and it will not be possible to carry out transactions with them after this date.
What timeline is expected to be followed for deposits of Market Pass aid into bank accounts?
For those beneficiaries who apply for Market Pass aid with a bank account credit by 28 February 2023, the aid for the months of February, March and April 2023 is sent to the banking institution for payment by 3 March 2023.
For those beneficiaries who apply for Market Pass aid with a bank account credit from 1 March to 15 March 2023, the aid for the months of February, March and April 2023 is sent to the banking institution for payment by 20 March 2023.
For all beneficiaries who have applied for Market Pass aid with bank account credit, the aid for the months of May, June and July 2023 is sent to the banking institution for payment by May 3, 2023.
Where can I go for questions or clarifications?
For any question, you can call the Public Service Telephone 210-2156327, from Monday to Friday 09:00-17:00 or submit your question by email to marketpass@ktpae.gr.
Specifically for the days Tuesday 21-02-2023, Wednesday 22-02-2023 and Thursday 23-02-2023 you can call the Public Service Telephone from 09:00 to 19:00.