Special seasonal aid: DYPA - former OAED. receiving from 557.38 euros to 1,114.75 euros. Who are the beneficiaries, and Who are not entitled to it,?

Special seasonal aid: DYPA - former OAED. receiving from 557.38 euros to 1,114.75 euros. Who are the beneficiaries, and Who are not entitled to it,?

Special seasonal aid: DYPA - former OAED. receiving from 557.38 euros to 1,114.75 euros. Who are beneficiaries, and Who are NOT entitled to it,?

Beneficiaries and procedure for the special seasonal aid of DYPA - former OAED.

From Tuesday, September 20, 2022, the submission of electronic applications for the special seasonal allowance of the Public Employment Service (PYPA) – former OAED at Citizen Service Centers (CSCs) is in full progress.

neobook.gr - reminds you that the deadline for submitting applications ends on Wednesday, November 30, 2022, at 2:00 p.m., while the process started earlier than every other year.

With the application process through KEP underway, thousands of citizens are rushing to submit their application for the seasonal allowance from DYPA - OAED, with the beneficiaries, depending on the profession they practice, receiving from 557.38 euros to 1,114.75 euros.

In particular, the amount of the special seasonal aid ranges from €557.38 to €1,114.75 and is paid once in the September-November quarter of each year.

Accuracy check: When it will be issued – Beneficiaries and amounts in detail
Applications can be submitted electronically through the Unified Digital Portal of the Public Administration (gov.gr) with TAXISnet codes at the address:

Specifically, the route will be: gov.gr → Work and insurance → Unemployment → Special seasonal aid DYPA

It is noted that it is not required to attend the Employment Promotion Centers (KPA2) of the DYPA in person.

Special seasonal aid: Who are the beneficiaries

  • Beneficiaries are employees insured in the e-EFKA who practice one of the following occupations:
  • Builder, quarryman, lime maker, potter, brick maker, potter, forest worker, resin collector, tobacco worker, musician - member of a local trade union, shoemaker, salaried shipyard worker, operator of excavators, hoists, road construction, drilling machines, actor, film and television technician, operator and assistant cinema operator, cinema and theater controller, cinema and theater treasurer, hired tourist and catering industry, sander, theater-cinema usher, dancer - a member of relevant industry or similar professional associations, as well as the technician employed in live audio-visual events - a member of relevant industry or trade unions.
Beneficiaries are also pensioners who submitted a retirement application by 10/9/2022, who in the year 2021 practiced one of the above professions, and who have the conditions for receiving the aid for the year 2022, as long as the amount of the pension they receive ( main and auxiliary) is less than the amount of €495.75.

In addition, beneficiaries are also those who become pensioners from 11/9/2022 onwards, regardless of the amount of their pension, as well as those who enlisted in order to serve their military service from 11/9/2022 onwards, as long as they certainly meet the conditions.

Who is NOT entitled to the allowance?
Those who meet the conditions for regular unemployment benefits between 10/09/2022 and 30/11/2022 are not entitled to the allowance.

One cannot receive both the special seasonal allowance and the regular unemployment benefit, with the exception of builders.

The decision is received through the individual account of DYPA's electronic services (eServices).