the fur industry Extension of the measure to suspend labor contracts until 31 December 2022 | Neobook.gr
The following announcement was issued by the Press Office of the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs.
The suspension of the employment contracts of employees in companies active in the Fur industry affected by the consequences of the war in Ukraine, which was implemented for the period from July to September, is extended until 31/12/2022. The measure is extended under the same terms and conditions provided for in the joint decision of the Ministers of Finance and Labor and Social Affairs No. 67806/19.7.2022 (B' 3796).
PS ERGANI will be available from 3/10/2022 for submission of declarations of suspension of employment contracts of employees for October 2022 by the above companies.
Especially for the employment contracts of employees that have been suspended during the period from 1/10/2022 to 10/10/2022, the companies' responsible declarations are submitted by October 10, 2022, at the latest.
For employment contracts of employees suspended from 11/10/2022 onwards, the notice of suspension applies