 Seasonal Allowance by DYPA (OAED) 508 euros, Who are the Beneficiaries ?

Seasonal Allowance by DYPA (OAED) 508 euros, Who are the Beneficiaries ?

Seasonal Allowance by DYPA (OAED) 508 euros, Who are the Beneficiaries ?

Specific categories of professionals will be given the special seasonal allowance of the OAED, which will range from 508.20 euros to 1,016.40 euros.

We remind you that it is paid once in the September-November quarter of each year and applications are submitted in two ways: through the OAED e-services and through KEP.

Beneficiaries of the special seasonal allowance are the people who work in Greece, as long as they are covered by the compulsory e-EFKA insurance and practice one of the following occupations:

  • builder
  • quarry
  • lime maker
  • brick maker
  • potter
  • forest worker
  • resin collector
  • tobacco worker
  • musical member of the relevant professional association
  • shoemaker
  • shipbuilding repair zone tenant
  • the operator of excavators hoists road construction drilling machines
  • actor
  • technical cinema and television
  • cinematographer and assistant cinematographer
  • cinema and theater controller
  • cinema and theater treasurer
  • salaried tourist and catering industry
  • emery worker
Other beneficiaries of the aid are:

  • beneficiaries are also the employees of the shipbuilding and repair zone, as long as they are subject to the mandatory e-EFKA insurance when they provide their work to companies based in Greece and operating in one or more EU member states.
  • Retired on 10/09, who in the previous year practiced one of the above professions and have the conditions for receiving the aid, are entitled to the seasonal aid, as long as the pension they receive (main and auxiliary) is less than the lowest pension granted the e-EFKA to its insured during the year of payment of the aid. 
The relevant circular for the new payment is expected to be published by DYPA in September and the online applications to start at the beginning of October.


  • to have completed fifty (50) to two hundred and ten (210) days of insurance in their sector in the calendar year preceding the year of payment of the aid
  • for the emery miners of Naxos fifty (50) to two hundred forty (240) days of insurance are required in their sector
  • salaried tourism and catering professions must have worked during the calendar year preceding the payment of the aid at least seventy-five (75) days' wages and no more than fifty (50) days' wages during the period from October 1 to December 31 of the year preceding the payment calendar year
  • for the operators of excavators, hoists, road construction, etc. machinery requires from seventy (70) to two hundred ten (210) days of insurance in their industry
  • the daily wages they may have made in other branches during the calendar year preceding the payment must not be more than what they made in the professional branch as members of which they are requesting the aid
  • the total of wages they have made during the calendar year preceding the payment not to exceed two hundred and forty (240) wages
  • have the status of an employee of the relevant branch, during the period of payment of the aid (10/09-30/11)
Those who meet regular subsidy conditions at the time the aid is paid are not eligible. In case the regular unemployment subsidy falls within the period of payment of the aid (10/09 – 30/11), then the seasonal aid is offset against the corresponding amount of the regular unemployment

Beneficiaries who participate in vocational training programs of the OAED and receive an educational allowance are also deprived of the special seasonal aid of the year, which includes the longest period of their education.


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