approved The National Strategy for Health and Safety at Work 2022-2027 | Neobook.gr
The following announcement was issued by the Press Office of the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs:
The National Strategy for Health and Safety at Work for the period 2022−2027 and the Action Plan for the current two-year period (2022-2023), are established by a Ministerial Decision signed by the Minister of Labor and Social Affairs Kostis Hatzidakis.
The National Strategy was drawn up after consultation with the social partners, it takes into account the Strategic Framework of the EU. on health and safety at work 2021-2027 announced in June 2021 and includes three sub-objectives: prevention of risks at work, improvement of the legislative framework and development of a functioning national governance system for Health and Safety at Work. Some indicative measures included in the National Strategy are:
-The promotion of the creation of a special (Occupational Risk Insurance Agency (occupational morbidity) after consultation with the social partners.
-The operation of the new Integrated Information System ( IRIDANOS ) for the Public Health Service with funding from the recovery fund.
- The formation of an integrated mechanism for reporting and recording occupational accidents and occupational diseases.
-Strengthening preparedness against possible future health crises by developing permanent synergies between Health and Safety at Work and Public Health (e.g. issuance of circulars and practical guides, preparation of preparedness plans, coordination meetings, etc.).
– The modernization of the process of carrying out the controls, with the use of new technologies, such as e.g. with the use of portable (tablets) by the inspectors and the registration of the indications of the controls in the account of each employer in the Integrated Information System of the Labor Inspectorate.
- The adoption of a (registry of audit steps), i.e. a standardized electronic procedure for carrying out the audit using a list of control points (checklist) and recording the data in the Integrated Information System of the Labor Inspectorate.
- Actions to prevent psychosocial risks at work (work stress, violence, harassment, bullying, work burnout).
– Updating the national legislation on OHS, taking into account the need to support businesses (e.g. readjustment of the specialties that can carry out the duties of a Safety Technician, modernization of the framework for the provision of occupational medicine services, strengthening the participation of employees, reducing bureaucracy charges, etc.)
-Training programs for employers, employees, and health and safety professionals (safety technicians, occupational physicians, etc.) with an emphasis on small and medium enterprises. At the same time, it is planned to implement actions to inform and raise awareness among teachers and students at all levels of education.
– Deepening the cooperation with the social partners both by making use of the Hellenic Institute for Health and Safety at Work (ELINYAE), their scientific body for OSH issues and by upgrading the Health & Safety Council of Workers, the body tripartite consultation on the respective issues.