The Gov.gr Wallet digital application - allow users to download to their mobile phone both the identity card and the driver's license. How to download your documents on mobile,?
Gov.gr Wallet: How to activate the digital wallet on the mobile phone for ID and driver's license - What happens in case of lost certificates or lost device
From yesterday, Wednesday 27 July 2022, ID and driving license are "past", at least in the traditional sense, as we will be able to leave them at home and now move around in their digital forms, saving them easily and quickly on the mobile, in from the new application that is officially available since yesterday.
The Gov.gr Wallet digital application, allows users to "download" to their mobile phone both the identity card and the driver's license. The application is already available on the Google Play Store and the Apple Store from where users can already see firsthand how the format of the two digital documents will be in the future.
Gov.gr Wallet: How to download ID and driver's license to your mobile phone
"I download the application form wallet.gov.gr, I log in via TaxisNet or web banking codes and a confirmation SMS, I issue each document with a confirmation SMS".
Digital copies have exactly the same validity as paper certificates within the country, with the only exception being international travel. In this way, citizens can now use their mobile phones for any transaction within Greece, just as they used their police ID and driver's license until now. Furthermore, through the application, they gain the ability to sign digital documents even more easily, quickly, and securely, through docs.gov.gr.
The application was designed and implemented by the National Network of Technology and Research Infrastructures - EDYTE SA. (GRNET), a supervised entity of the Ministry of Digital Governance. The extraction of all the necessary data is carried out through the Interoperability Center of the General Secretariat of Public Administration Information Systems.
However, the relevant application, which is called Gov.gr Wallet, is already available on the Google Play Store and the App Store from where you can already "download" it and also see what the format of the two digital documents will be.
The digital identity and the digital driver's license will be for use within the Greek territory, although it should be noted that there are already contacts in order to be able to use them at least within the European Union.
App installation and citizen authentication
The Gov.gr Wallet is already available in the app stores of the iOS and Android software and its use will be possible in parts, according to the last digit of the citizen's tax identification number starting today from the number 1, on Thursday the 2nd. Mr. Alternatively, citizens can download the application through the wallet.gov.gr page. For secure access to the application, the citizen is first identified with the codes on Taxisnet and then with the entry of a one-time password (OTP – One Time Password), which is sent to a mobile phone number that is confirmed to belong to the citizen. For this purpose, the citizen should before entering the application:
- or have registered their mobile phone number in the National Register of Communications (NMR) via notify.gov.gr,
- or to have digitally certified his signature through gov.gr (Responsible Declaration, Authorization, Digital Document Certification, Private Agreement).
Once authenticated, the citizen is asked to give permission to receive notifications from the application, which are necessary for its operation due to the consent mechanism in case of verification of a digital document. In addition, he has the possibility to choose the activation of the easy access feature (quick login), which is provided according to the specifications of each device.
Make and save copies
After entering the application environment, the citizen can with a few clicks create and save the digital copy of his ID and/or driver's license. First, he chooses which document he wants to issue and then he receives a one-time password (OTP – One Time Password) via SMS which he enters into the application. Immediately after, the document is created and saved in the application and in the wallet of the mobile phone.
The same process is repeated again for each new copy version.
Details of digital copies and authentication
The digital copies of the Gov.gr Wallet include all the information contained in the police IDs and driving licenses respectively. They also incorporate a QR code and a unique document code, through which their authenticity is verified. In particular, regarding the digital copy of the driver's license, the photo that will be displayed is taken from the Police Record Register identity cards of the Greek Police, therefore it will be the same as the police ID and not necessarily the same as the driver's license.
The authenticity of each digital copy is verified by its QR code. As soon as someone scans a citizen's QR code through the same Gov.gr Wallet application, the latter receives a notification from the application in order to give approval to the controller in order to verify their information. After the citizen approves the check, a six-digit code appears on the screen of the application, which he must dictate or show to the checker, who in turn enters it on his own device. After the process is complete, then and only then the digital copy data be displayed once and only on the controller's device, without the ability to save.
The ability to quickly verify
The citizen has the possibility to choose the quick verification function (quick scan) whenever he wishes. Through this specific function, the citizen essentially gives "pre-authorization" for the next and only check, as long as it takes place exclusively within the next five minutes. By displaying the quick scan QR code, the check is carried out faster, as the checker gains direct access to the citizen's details. In this way, the citizen can be served more directly, especially in cases where congestion is observed or speed is required, such as e.g. entrance to concerts, planes, etc.
The ability to sign documents at docs.gov.gr
Finally, through Gov.gr Wallet the citizen can sign faster and safer documents through docs.gov.gr. Specifically, if the citizen has installed the application on his mobile phone and saved his police ID, he will be able to choose and approve the issuance of a digital document through the application instead of receiving a one-time code (OTP - One Time) via SMS Password).
Loss or replacement of paper certificates and loss of device
If the citizen declares the loss of his police ID either in person at a Police Station or through gov.gr, then automatically and immediately any digital copy that has been issued is canceled. The same applies if the citizen declares the loss of the driver's license at a Police Department, a KEP, or the Transport Directorate of the competent Region.
In cases where a new ID card or new driver's license is issued for a reason other than loss, then the digital copies of the older paper certificates are automatically canceled and digital copies of the new certificates must be issued, following the same procedure for their original issue.
In case of loss of the device where the digital copies are stored, the citizen can revoke the validity of the stored digital copies through the relevant service at gov.gr. Revocation of physical copies does not invalidate the corresponding paper certificates.
Necessary clarifications
Issuance of digital copies is permitted only if the citizen legally holds the corresponding paper certificate. Therefore, in cases of temporary or permanent revocation or detention of the police identity card and/or driver's license, the registers operating in the application are automatically updated so that the citizen does not issue, store or use the corresponding digital copies.
A prerequisite for the use of Gov.gr Wallet is the installation of the latest version of the application.
In addition, each citizen can only store digital copies on one device. If you issue and store a digital copy on a second device, then the previous digital copies are automatically revoked.
The digital copies have exactly the same validity within the Greek territory as the corresponding paper certificates. Therefore, as of today, citizens can show them instead of their ID or driver's license. Exceptionally, with regard to citizens' transactions with credit institutions, financial institutions, and with fixed and mobile telephony service providers, digital copies will start to be valid from October 1, 2022.
The digital copy of the identity card does not constitute a travel document. Therefore, it can only be used on domestic flights, but not on international flights or movements within the Schengen area.
Frequently asked questions and answers can be found in the application and at wallet.gov.gr. In addition, citizens can submit service and support requests at wallet.gov.gr/support.
Next additions to the app
In the future, more documents are going to be added to the application, such as registration details, registration fee payment details, Vehicle Technical Inspection (VOT) result, next inspection date, insurance details, etc. Furthermore, in the future, it will also be possible to authenticate on gov.gr through the Gov.gr Wallet.
Data to be stored in digital format
Based on the amendment, the data that will be stored in said application will be able to be displayed by the owner of the mobile phone, for the purpose of identification, to public sector bodies within the meaning of paragraph a' of article 14 of the law. 4270/2014 (A'143), judicial authorities and natural and legal persons of the private sector, who are legalized for identity verification and identification, in the context of exercising their powers and fulfilling their obligations".
ID card
- The identity number,
- The full name in Greek and Latin characters
- The patronymic in Greek and Latin characters
- The matronym in Greek characters
- The date of birth
- The place of birth
- The date and authority of issuance of the identity card
- The photo of the owner
Driving License
- Your driver's license number
- The full name in Greek and Latin characters
- The date of birth
- The place of birth
- The date and authority of issuance of the driver's license
- The expiry date of the driving license
- The tax registration number (A.F.M.)
- The vehicle category code
- The vehicle category issue date
- The vehicle category expiry date
- The photo of the owner.
It should be emphasized that the storage of the above data can be done by a single mobile device of a natural person.
The goal, after the diploma and the identity card, is to "enter" the KTEO and the insurance on our mobile phones.
https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=gr.gov.wallet Google Play (Android)
https://apps.apple.com/gr/app/gov-gr-wallet/id1605614816 App Store (iOS)