Power Pass - those who are not paid electricity allowance today, Friday 07-15-2022,  when will be paid them,?

Power Pass - those who are not paid electricity allowance today, Friday 07-15-2022, when will be paid them,?

Power Pass - those who are not paid electricity allowance today, Friday 07-15-2022,  when will be paid them,?

The messages that the platform will issue for Power Pass

Thousands of beneficiaries of the power pass will see today, Friday, July 15, 2022, the amounts of the electricity subsidy that they have been informed about since yesterday, credited to their bank accounts, either by entering the platform, by mail, or by SMS on their mobile phone.

What will happen to those who have not been paid?

In total, 2,952,778 applications have been submitted, concerning 2,530,597 natural persons and of these, liquidation notices are posted for approximately 1.9 million and which are expected to be paid today, with the total amount amounting to approximately 230 million. euro.

Therefore, those who are not paid today, Friday, do not need to worry, as for the rest of the natural persons, the verification of the data continues and those of them who are beneficiaries are expected to be paid next week, after the issuance of the relevant information clearances.

In any case, the beneficiary will be informed about the progress of his application in the email he has indicated. If he does not wish to wait, he can enter the online platform vouchers.gov.gr with his personal Taxisnet codes and see the stage he is in.

The messages it will output are the following:

To be sent to the banking institution: If you see this message, it means that the refund amount (for payment, via DIAS) will be sent to the selected bank.

To be processed by a banking institution: This message means that the instruction for the refund amount has been sent to the selected bank via DIAS and the bank is expected to make the payment

Approved: In this case, we have received a response from the selected bank that the payment has been successfully made, and therefore the beneficiary can check his/her account.

If you do not see any of the above indications then you can contact tel. 210 7000810 (working days: Monday – Friday 9:00 – 17:00)

It is characteristic that in all probability those who will not be paid today already know it, as when they enter the special platform the application is still written under clearance and it concerns the applications that are in this state, the checks for the IBAN/TIN have been completed, and no additional actions are required from the citizen.

After all, the Minister Mr. Skrekas had already warned about the payment of the amounts in two installments, as many applications require checking and cross-checking of data.

It is recalled that the amounts that beneficiaries will see in their bank accounts range from 18 to 600 euros, which come to support households in the high cost of electricity bills they received in previous months.