Zero overdue dividends in the Share Fund of Civil Servants,
The following announcement was issued by the Press Office of the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs:
The share of the Civil Servants Fund (MTPY) achieved the zeroing of overdue dividends. This important development was presented by the Chairman of the Board of MTPY, Nontas Atsaves, to the Minister of Labor and Social Affairs, Kostis Hatzidakis, during the Minister's visit to the Fund's facilities. At the same time, MTPY, apart from the final elimination of the stock of overdue dividends, has managed to award dividends on a quarterly basis through regular payments, leaving behind the many months of delays that caused inconvenience to dividend holders and their families.
The zeroing of overdue dividends was achieved thanks to the doubling of the award rates between 2019-and 2021. Specifically, in 2019 7,100 new dividends were awarded, in 2020 7,600 new dividends were awarded, while in 2021 the MTPY awarded approximately 14,600 new dividends, amounting to 18,000,000.00 euros and total dividends worth 298,000,000 euros. That is, in 2021 there was an increase of more than 100% in the award compared to 2019 and 92% compared to 2020.
At the same time, MTPY launches a series of payments to dividend holders. Specifically:
For the year 2022, the payment of dividends to 9,023 new beneficiaries of individual dividends has already been scheduled for May 20, with pending dividend-retirement applications submitted to the Fund for the period from 1/9 / 2021-to 31 / 1/2022.
Dividends have been scheduled for the first time in an automated manner to members of orphaned families by submitting transfer applications from 6/8 / 2021-10 / 4/2022, for the end of June 2022, to approximately 2,000 orphaned families.
With these payments, the outstanding debts of the individual dividends until 31-1-2022 are settled and the dividends of the members of the orphan families until 10-4-2022. In subsequent payments (every 3 months) until the end of the year, all applications that will be submitted until the fall of 2022 will be cleared in the same way.
Finally, the MTPY proceeds to the digitization of its structures and services, abolishing the obligation of personal physical presence for a series of transactions. Specifically:
The supply of new computers, modern software, and other equipment has been completed.
On 1.3.2022, the integrated electronic request management system to the MTPY was put into operation. Dividend applications are now made electronically, as well as the monitoring of claims. With TaxisNet codes through the website of MTPY, the interested party can submit an electronic application for all his cases, such as for the transfer of a widow dividend, for change of data but also submit a question, to request a meeting with a representative of the Fund, etc. In addition, a digital mailbox of citizens' applications to the MTPY was created.
Just yesterday, Tuesday, May 3, the digital upgrade of MTPY was signed with funding from the NSRF amounting to 7,200,000 euros. This project with a horizon until the end of 2023 includes the full digitization of the MTPY archive, the development of interoperability between public bodies and the MTPY, and the full automation of the procedures for the award and service of shareholders and dividend holders.
The Minister of Labor and Social Affairs, Kostis Hatzidakis, stated: "The Share Fund of Civil Servants has now managed to award dividends to the beneficiaries without delay and at the same time to eliminate the thousands of pending issues of the past. As proved by NAT, it is confirmed in the case of MTPY that with proper management, organization, and targeting the problems are solved and the pathogens are eliminated. Every day we come closer to upgrading the social security system in practice and providing quality services to citizens. "These small daily victories show the way for the final confrontation of the overdue main pensions in EFKA during the summer".
The Chairman of the Board of MTPY Nontas Atsaves stated: "I thank Minister Kostis Hatzidakis for the visit and especially for the continuous support he provides to the Share Fund of Civil Servants. In 2021, the digital dividend award process evolved by doubling the award decisions, and already in the first half of 2022, the payments of 11,000 new dividend holders are planned, clearing the overdue arrears of the Fund, despite the large number of pensions, which digital awarding of benefits to its members. At the same time, the technological equipment of the Fund was upgraded, new digital services to the citizens were launched, and modern management methods with individual targeting and organization of its services. We succeeded with the assistance of the employees and the staff of the Fund and