what will happen from June 1, 2022 for plastic bottles  Recycling fee "AADE"

what will happen from June 1, 2022 for plastic bottles Recycling fee "AADE"

what will happen from June 1, 2022 for plastic bottles  Recycling fee "AADE"

A recycling fee is imposed from June 1, 2022, for products, the packaging which contains polyvinyl chloride (PVC).

Recycling member is required from 1 June 2022 for products whose packaging contains polyvinyl chloride (PVC). The fee for plastic bottles is imposed on consumers per piece of product.


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The recycling fee is 8 minutes. The amount of the fee is indicated in a distinct and legible way on the sales documents before VAT. and is recorded in the accounting records that the companies that sell the specific products are obliged to keep.

Businesses are required to indicate at the points of sale of the products in a place visible to the consumer, that these products are subject to a fee, indicating the amount of the fee.

The fee is reciprocal and the revenues from it are public revenues, which are collected by AADE and attributed to the Hellenic Recycling Organization (EOAN) in order to be used exclusively for the financing of recycling actions.


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For the payment of the fee, a declaration of payment of the fee is submitted to the tax administration every quarter, until the last day of the month following the period to which it relates.

According to the decision of AADE:

  •      The fee is imposed on consumers per piece of product.
  •     Companies responsible for submitting the recycling fee return declaration are companies that sell products whose packaging contains polyvinyl chloride (PVC).
  •     The return statement of the recycling fee is submitted to the tax administration, every quarter, until the last day of the month following the time period to which it relates.
  •     Until the completion of the implementation of the application for the electronic submission of the declaration, it will be submitted digitally through the Digital Reception and Request Management Application "My Requests", which has been posted on the website of AADE (myaade.gov.gr) according to the procedure defined in the sub-items A. 1054/2022 decision of the Commander of AADE.
  •     For the period of the first application and in particular, for the revenues of the month of June 2022, the declaration is submitted until the 1st of August 2022.
  •     During the completion of the implementation of the submission of the declaration through the electronic application, and if there is a proven inability of its operation, the declaration will be submitted in printed form to the competent Tax Office.
  •     In case of submitting an amendment statement, it is submitted digitally through the Digital Reception and Request Management Application "My Requests", which has been posted on the website of AADE (myaade.gov.gr)

    Recycling fee receipts are entered in the Revenue Account Number,, Α.Λ.Ε. 1110903003,,

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