the Social Tourism 2022,  When will be  the platform open,  and what are the requirements this year,

the Social Tourism 2022, When will be the platform open, and what are the requirements this year,

the Social Tourism 2022,  When will be  the platform open,  and what are the requirements this year,

Mr. Spyros Protopsaltis, commander of the former OAED and now Public Employment Service, spoke about the terms and conditions of participation in the social tourism program 2022. Mr. Protopsaltis spoke to ERT about the program and when the application process begins.

As reported by ERT, the social tourism program starts on August 1st and lasts until July 31st next year. Those who still have in their hands the checks of the program 2021-2022 to hurry to use them until July 31 because then they will not be able since the new checks will have been issued.

For the citizens belonging to the category of disabled, they can get a check for each year, while the other beneficiaries can from year to year.

The social tourism program is open to the unemployed and employees who had at least 50 working days insured in the previous year, ie in 2021, or received 50 days from the special maternity protection benefit of OAED, or received 50 days of unemployment subsidy, or have a combination of all of the above.

This program provides six nights with very little private participation, in tourist accommodation throughout Greece, for Mytilene, Leros, Samos, Chios, Kos, and Evros, ten nights without any private participation, and also includes significant discounts on ferry tickets.

As Mr. Protopsaltis notes, at the end of May, at the beginning of June, the platform will be opened, and we will make a modification of the program after the minister increased the budget from 30 to 35 million. As he characteristically stated:

"Last year we gave a 20% more subsidy to providers, ie hotels, in August, because while we are trying to make the program last 12 months and use the checks all year round, unfortunately, most of them go on vacation mainly in August. In order to have an offer - accommodation available - we increased the subsidy and it went very well. We will repeat it this year