new allowance of 300 euros from DYPA, (OAED) See if you are eligible for this allowance,
DYPA ( OAED) is expected to send an invitation soon to the long-term unemployed, to come for the drafting of the Digital Individual Action Plan, which will give them access to the 300 euro allowance.
In particular, it is expected that a JMC will be issued for the Digital Individual Action Plan and the process will begin, while then and after the invitation of DYPA, the specific plan for each unemployed person will be drafted.
We note that the work allowance of 300 euros is paid in a lump sum and will be given to the long-term unemployed over 5 years who will agree to draw up an action plan.
This allowance is given if the unemployed person does not receive any of the benefits while this benefit is granted only once.
The Digital Individual Action Plan reflects the professional goals of the job seeker in relation to his / her previous employment and his / her salary, the knowledge, abilities and skills he / she already possesses, and those he/she must acquire, as well as his / her formal and substantive qualifications. his place of residence and activity and other necessary information in order to facilitate his access to the labor market.
It includes the individual successive actions, in particular, the training and the specific job search actions, which are accompanied by a specific timetable, with the aim of finding a suitable job or, if this is not possible, a job that is as specific as possible to its individual characteristics. job seeker.
It is prepared by the employment consultant of DYPA, in collaboration with the job seeker, and is co-decided by them. The Digital Individual Action Plan specifies in a binding way the cooperation between the job seeker and the DYPA and the way of integrating the job seeker into the labor market.
The preparation of the Digital Individual Action Plan is optional for teachers, builders, and employees of cases b and c of par. 2 of article 4 of law 1545/1985 who become short-term unemployed for a period of up to six consecutive months.
At the same time, the registration in the Digital Register of DYPA is done at the request of the unemployed looking for work.
The DYPA Digital Card is interconnected with the DYPA Digital Register and, with this interface, it is confirmed that the holder is registered in it, or that he is a beneficiary of allowances, benefits and aids from DYPA.
It can be provided in the form of a digital application on mobile phones or a card containing a processor, which allows confirming its validity, or in any other convenient way.
The required data of the unemployed
The Digital Register of DYPA is a digital file kept in DYPA, it includes in particular the following data for each registrant, which constitute his digital profile:
a) identification data (name / surname / patronymic / matronym / TIN / AMKA),
b) home address,
c) date of birth,
d) marital status (marriage / cohabitation agreement / divorce / separation / children - parental care or custody);
e) situation regarding the benefits of par. 4, as well as the benefits of circumstance and of par. 1 of article 19 (beneficiary or not),
f) the existence or non-individual action plan and the date of its drafting and most recent update;
h) proposals made by the DYPA for suitable jobs;
i) any administrative sanctions imposed in connection with the application of this and other welfare legislation;
j) other elements, from which the observance of the obligations of DYPA and the job seekers results.
The DYPA Digital Card is provided to every job seeker.
The start-up of the Digital Register of DYPA takes place after the completion of the transition to that of the existing Unemployment Registers maintained by DYPA.