allowance 600 euro for electricity, when will be open the Platform & Who are the beneficiaries,?
Who are the beneficiaries of the 600 euro allowance for electricity?
The Deputy Minister of Finance, Theodoros Skylakakis, announced the dates when the platform will open for the 600 euro electricity allowance.
The time is approaching when the platform will open for applications for the 600 euro allowance for electricity. On the morning of Wednesday, May 25, the Deputy Minister of Finance, Theodoros Skylakakis, announced the dates on which the subsidy platform is expected to open.
Mr. Skylakakis spoke on SKAI radio and when asked about the new allowance of 600 euros for electricity and stressed that:
"On June 14-15, the platform is expected to open in which citizens who meet the income criteria will be able to apply for a refund of 60% of the increased electricity costs charged from December 1 to May 31, 2022. »
Allowance of 600 euros for electricity: How it will be given - Examples & beneficiaries
Beneficiaries will see refunds for large increases in electricity bills in their bank accounts.
The return is in line with the government's decision on the retroactive effect of multiple interventions on electricity bills. This measure is addressed to 4.5 million meters, ie houses, of which it is estimated that significant charges were about 1.3 million and the "key" is the amount of family income for 2020 as well as the total charges from electricity bills in the period from December 2021 to May 2022.
According to the data, the measure of family income, income up to 45,000 euros, covers 95% of taxpayers. According to the Prime Minister's announcements, the government is retroactively covering 60% of the increase over 300 kilowatt-hours (which have already been covered by previous subsidies).
Beneficiaries of the subsidy are those consumers who have seen increases in the bills from the months December 2021 to May 2022 which in total exceed 30 euros. The subsidy starts from 18 euros and reaches up to 600 euros. This subsidy is given to those who have an income of up to 45,000 euros and concerns first home accounts.
For example:
If the surcharge is 15 euros no subsidy will be given because the amount is too small (under 30 euros surcharge)
If the surcharge is 20 euros no subsidy will be given because the amount is too small (under 30 euros surcharge)
If the charge is 30 euros, the 60% refund will be 18 euros
If the charge is 50 euros, the 60% refund is 30 euros
If the charge is 100 euros the return of 60% will be 60 euros
If the charge is 300 euros the 60% refund will be 180 euros
If the charge is 600 euros the 60% refund will be 360 euros
If the charge is 1000 euros, the 60% refund will be 600 euros
If the charge is 1200 euros the return will be again 600 euros, since (600 euros) is the maximum subsidy.
If the charge is 1500 euros the return will again be the maximum of 600 euros.
The online platform for applications is expected to open in early June. Those interested in entering the platform, must certify or even correct the details of their residence, ie the number of the benefit, and of course, state, if it is not entered in the AADE system, the bank account number (IBAN).
Then, after the application is submitted, AADE will run a program to calculate the amount to which everyone is entitled by drawing data from providers.
Specifically, the providers will send to AADE, the total amounts listed in the accounts, issued from December to May, from the adjustment clause. The subsidy given by the state will be deducted from the total amount, as well as the possible subsidy given by the provider.