The payments of the week by  e-EFKA, OPEKA and OAED more than 2.4 billion will be paid. euro for more than 5 million beneficiaries, the period April 18-22.

The payments of the week by e-EFKA, OPEKA and OAED more than 2.4 billion will be paid. euro for more than 5 million beneficiaries, the period April 18-22.

The payments of the week by  e-EFKA, OPEKA and OAED more than 2.4 billion will be paid. euro for more than 5 million beneficiaries, the period April 18-22.

 the payment of pensions in May - Provision of emergency financial assistance to low-income pensioners, uninsured elderly people, the disabled, beneficiaries of the Minimum Guaranteed Income and Child Allowance

The following announcement was issued by the Press Office of the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs

The payment of the main and auxiliary pensions in May and the extraordinary financial aid to low-income pensioners, uninsured elderly people, beneficiaries of OPECA disability benefits, beneficiaries of the Minimum Guaranteed Income, and beneficiaries of the Child Allowance includes during the period 18-22 April. A total of over 2.4 billion will be paid. over 5 million beneficiaries.

1. From e-EFKA in the period 18-22 April the following scheduled payments will be made, within the framework of the regular payments of the Agency:

  • On Holy Tuesday, April 19, 552.5 million euros will be paid for the payment of main and auxiliary pensions in May to 974,228 beneficiaries. These are the retirees who come from the former bodies OAEE, OGA, and EBRD as well as those of t. NAT, t. ETAT, t. ETAP-MME and PPC.
  • On Holy Wednesday, April 20, 741.5 million euros will be paid for the main and auxiliary pensions in May to 1,476,228 beneficiaries coming from the former IKA-ETAM, the banks, OTE, and the State. These are the retirees whose AMKA expires in 1, 3, 5, 7, and 9.
  • On Holy Wednesday, April 20, 11 million euros will also be paid to 28,000 beneficiaries for May pension advances based on Law 4778/2021.
  • On Holy Thursday, April 21, 742 million euros will be paid for the main and auxiliary pensions in May to 1,477,955 beneficiaries coming from the former IKA-ETAM, the banks, OTE, and the State (for the pensioners whose AMKA ends at 0, 2, 4, 6 and 8).
  • Also, next week 15.1 million euros will be paid to 700 beneficiaries in a series of one-off decisions,
  • Finally, 13.9 million euros will be paid to 56,571 insured persons for cash benefits (maternity, pregnancy, illness, accident, funeral expenses)

Extraordinary payments

As e-EFKA has already announced, on Holy Wednesday, April 20, 2022, the emergency financial aid Easter, amounting to 200 euros, will be credited to the accounts of 634,000 low-income retirees. It is noted that this number does not include those pensioners who receive a pension from the General Accounting Office of the State in accordance with the provisions of par. 3 of article 4 of law 4387/2016 (war invalids, artists, etc.)

 2. On Good Thursday, April 21, OPEC will pay the emergency aid to vulnerable social groups announced by the government, as follows:

  • 138,515 recipients of OPEC disability allowance will receive emergency financial assistance of 200 euros
  • 32,000 uninsured seniors will receive emergency financial assistance of 200 euros
  • 223,529 beneficiaries of the Minimum Guaranteed Income will receive a double installment of the allowance
  • 580,000 Child Allowance beneficiaries will receive the increased benefit

3. The following payments will be made by OAED:

  • 9 million euros to 23,000 beneficiaries for the payment of unemployment benefits and other benefits
  • € 27 million to 16,000 beneficiaries under subsidized employment schemes
  • 700,000. euros to 1,000 mothers for a subsidized maternity leave
  • 500,000 euros to 1,000 beneficiaries who participated in Public Benefit Programs
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