The Fuel Pass for the fuel subsidy is in operation through vouchers.gov.gr,
Vouchers.gov.gr is addressed to more than 3 million beneficiaries and concerns the aid for the cost of fuel consumption for the months of April, May, and June 2022. The amount of aid ranges from 30 to 50 euros and depends on the type of vehicle and the main residence of the beneficiary. The total budget of the action amounts to 130 million euros, from appropriations provided by the General State Expenditure of the Ministry of Finance. The platform was implemented by the Information Society (IAS MAE), a supervised body of the Ministry of Digital Government, in collaboration with the General Secretariat for Information Systems of Public Administration and the Independent Public Revenue Authority (AADE).
Beneficiaries of the Fuel Pass are all tax residents of Greece with declared family income for the tax year 2020 up to thirty thousand (30,000) euros. Each natural person can declare only one car or motorcycle - moped, provided that the specific means of transport are in circulation, are insured and no traffic fees are due for this. The natural person must have at least a percentage of co-ownership of the vehicle, or this must be leased.
The platform will be opened gradually, depending on the last digit of the VAT number of the citizens. Specifically, on Tuesday, April 26, the citizens whose VAT numbers expire at 0, 1, and 2 will be able to apply. will be updated with announcements.
The operation of the platform is very simple. The citizen enters the Fuel Pass using the Taxisnet codes either directly through vouchers.gov.gr, or from gov.gr, in the section "Citizen and every day" and the subsection "Transportation". At the same time, there is the possibility of submitting the application through KEP. All the data of the citizen are pumped automatically, through the Interoperability Center of the General Secretariat of Information Systems of Public Administration. The financial support can be made at the choice of each beneficiary in two ways: