Regional Asylum Services is Under Operation until 18.07.2021,
The Asylum Service informs the public that in pursuit of public health protection measures and the prevention of covid-19 dispersal, the Regional Asylum Services continue to serve the public only by scheduled appointment, including scheduled interviews and recordings.
Especially and according to Δ1α / Γ.Π.οικ. 43319 JMC (Government Gazette B '3066 / 9-7-2021) will be served until 18.07.2021 exclusively and only urgent records and filing of appeals, service of decisions, delivery of travel documents, and filing of documents related to the family reunification process. In addition, a number of interviews will take place, the scheduling of which has been re-confirmed by telephone by Service staff and has been preceded by a relevant "interview call"
The number of teleworking employees is determined based on the nature of the employees' duties and the needs of the Service, at the percentage determined by the work plan of each Department until the entry into force of this.
Finally, and in accordance with the above, the employees belonging to the groups at increased risk (sub-para. Interior) return to work in person.
Employees belonging to the increased risk groups (sub-items 1.1-1.9 of case 1 of the data DIDAD / Φ.64 / 420/16446 / 17.9.2020 of the joint decision of the Ministers of Health and Interior) return to work in person, in places that have no contact with the public.
We remind you of the obligation to use a mask by the public and the staff inside the buildings of the Service (and outside them, eg courtyard, waiting for areas for the public, etc., if there is overcrowding
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