Ester gift 200 Euros, who will receive and who will get double,

Ester gift 200 Euros, who will receive and who will get double,

Ester gift 200 Euros, who will receive and who will get double,

Extraordinary Easter gift: The "losers", the "winners" and when the money will be paid to the accounts of the beneficiaries.

"Lost" seems to exist among those who, at least initially, thought they were among the beneficiaries of the special Easter Gift as it seems that in the end, they will not receive the 200 euros.

On the contrary, the big "winners" are the families with children as they will see a larger amount coming into their accounts

Who will not receive the special Easter Gift?

According to the examples given by a MEGA report, some low-income retirees who have a pension of fewer than 600 euros, but have income from a rent that exceeds this amount, lose the 200 euros they are entitled to.

 Who are the winners?

On the other hand, according to the same information, 200 euros will be given per month for a single-person household, plus 100 euros for an adult member and plus 50 euros per child. Thus, a family with two children will receive 400 euros on Holy Week and 400 euros on 29/04, without an application with automatic payment.

Who will receive the extraordinary "Easter Gift" - The 5 categories
The 5 categories that will receive an extraordinary Easter Gift are the following:
  1. An additional one and a half monthly installment of child benefits are granted in April, to the March beneficiaries (installment, that is, corresponding to 1.5 months). The amount of aid is 105 or 63 or 42 euros for each child for the first and second child, depending on the amount of income, and 210 or 126 or 84 by the third and for each subsequent child. The beneficiaries amount to 625,000, with more than 1 million children, and the cost is estimated at 97.5 million euros.

  2. The aid of 200 euros to 676,735 low-income retirees. Beneficiaries are (as in December) retirees who have an annual individual taxable income for the tax year 2020 up to 7,200 euros (600 euros per month), an annual family taxable income of up to 14,400 euros, and the total taxable value of the real estate does not exceed 200 euros. The cost is estimated at 135 million euros.

  3. The aid of 200 euros to 34,964 uninsured seniors at a cost of 7 million euros.

  4. The aid of 200 euros to 166,982 recipients of disability benefits at a cost of 33.4 million euros.

  5. Double installment of the minimum guaranteed income to 241,281 beneficiaries of the minimum guaranteed income, at a cost of 50.9 million euros.

When will the 200 euros enter the accounts?

It is reminded that from 18 to 21 April will be paid

Extraordinary Easter Gift 2022

The bonus that will be paid during Holy Week for dealing with accuracy, will be given to 5 categories of vulnerable citizens,


  • Holy Monday or Holy Tuesday: The 200 euros will be credited to the low-income pensioners 

  • Holy Monday or Holy Tuesday: 200 euros to 34,964 uninsured seniors 

  • Holy Monday or Holy Tuesday: 200 euros to 166,982 recipients of disability benefits

  •  During Holy Week: The double installment of the minimum guaranteed income will be credited to 241,281 beneficiaries,


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